Getting Started in Localization


As your business grows globally, it’s important to go beyond just translating content—you need to make localization a key part of your overall strategy. In this chapter of Vistatec’s Executive Guide to Localization, we’ll dive into how localization can add real value to your business. You’ll also get a clear roadmap for building the skills and processes necessary for success, plus a way to measure how mature your current localization efforts are. At the end of the article, you’ll find a link to download the full e-book free of charge!

Getting Started in Localization

Let’s explore localization’s intrinsic value proposition and outline the core areas and localization maturity areas for successful implementation.  

The Value Proposition of Localization

Localization is not just an operational necessity but a strategic asset. The primary value it brings to a business includes:

Enhanced Customer Experience: Localization ensures that your product or service resonates with the local culture and expectations, leading to a more satisfying customer experience.

Increased Market Penetration: Businesses can penetrate markets more deeply and effectively by speaking the local language and understanding cultural nuances.

Brand Differentiation: A well-localized product stands out in a crowded market, offering a unique selling proposition.

Risk Mitigation: Proper localization reduces the risk of cultural faux pas and legal non-compliance in foreign markets.

Long-term Customer Loyalty: Customers are more likely to stay loyal to a brand that demonstrates understanding and respect for their culture and language.

Core Capabilities for Localization

Successful localization requires the development of specific core capabilities:

  1. Cultural Intelligence: Understanding and respecting cultural differences and nuances.
  2. Linguistic Expertise: Not just language translation, but adaptation of content to reflect local idioms and cultural references.
  3. Technical Adaptability: Adapting your digital and physical offerings to various local market standards.
  4. Regulatory Knowledge: Awareness and compliance with local laws and regulations.
  5. Resource Management: Efficient allocation and management of resources for effective localization.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started

For businesses looking to enhance their localization efforts, the following steps provide an initial roadmap:

Assess Your Current Position:

Review existing international operations and market feedback by understanding your current localization level.

Choose the Right Tools and Partners:

Invest in the right technology and partner with experienced Language Service Providers (LSPs) and local experts.

Define Your Localization Goals:

Based on your assessment, set clear, achievable goals for what you want to accomplish with localization.

Implement and Test:

Roll out your localization in phases, testing and gathering feedback at each stage.

Develop a Localization Strategy:

This should include target markets, language priorities, cultural adaptation plans, resource allocation, and compliance considerations.

Monitor and Optimize:

Continuously monitor the performance and optimize your strategy based on market feedback and changing scenarios.

Assemble a Localization Team:

This team should have the necessary linguistic, cultural, technical, and regulatory expertise.

Identifying Localization Maturity Level

To assess your organization’s localization maturity, consider the following levels:

Localization is ad hoc and reactive.

There is some level of structured approach and consistency in localization efforts.

Localization is integrated into business processes with clear standards and metrics.

Localization efforts are measured and analyzed for continuous improvement.

Localization is a strategic asset with ongoing innovation and optimization.

Identifying your current level helps create a roadmap for advancement in your localization efforts. The Localization Maturity Model (LMM), outlined by CSA Research, provides a structured framework to assess and enhance an organization’s localization processes. The model identifies five levels of localization maturity, followed by four levels of immaturity.

This model serves as a guide for businesses to understand their current localization standing and identify improvement areas. Each level offers comprehensive guidelines for progressing to a more optimized stage, enabling step-by-step advancement in localization maturity.

Understanding the value proposition of localization and developing the core capabilities are vital for successful global expansion. Following the guide and assessing your localization maturity level, your business can embark on a more structured and effective localization journey.

In the Executive’s Guide to Localization e-book, we break down practical steps, real-life examples, and expert guidance to help you navigate this journey. If you want to connect with new markets and build a brand that resonates globally, there’s more to explore.

Download the full e-book to continue your localization journey and find out more.