Letter Quest: Finding Vistatec in the World Around Us


At Vistatec, we are committed to creativity and a strong sense of community among our employees. The recent Letter Quest initiative is a great example of how we bring our ethos to life. The initiative encouraged everyone to take a fresh look at the world around them.

What Did Letter Quest Involve?

Letter Quest was an exciting challenge designed to push the creative boundaries of our employees while giving them a new way to interact with their surroundings. The objective? To spell out “Vistatec” along with the three-letter country code of the participant’s location—think “Vistatec IRL” for Ireland or “Vistatec DEU” for Germany—using letters found in everyday environments. But there was a catch: the letters had to be discovered in the form of shapes, shadows, and negative spaces rather than from written words.

Imagine spotting a “V” formed by intersecting tree branches or an “E” in the shape of a park bench’s armrest. The rules emphasized originality, requiring participants to find these letters organically in nature, architecture, and daily life. The only editing allowed was simple cropping.

Participants were then asked to arrange their collected photos on a presentation board to create a unique visual journey that spelled out “Vistatec” and their country’s code.

The Spirit of Creativity and Connection

From late June until the end of July, employees gathered virtually each week to share stories, swap ideas, and offer each other encouragement. The social aspect of Letter Quest was just as vital as the creative one. It provided an opportunity for people across various locations to come together and connect over a shared project.

Vistatec’s community culture was strongly reflected in the initiative. Weekly catch-ups on the Teams Social & Events Channel allowed employees to share their progress and thoughts as they began seeing their environment through fresh eyes. Whether someone was exploring a neighborhood park, taking a regular route to work, or traveling for their summer holiday, Letter Quest invited them to pause, observe, and reimagine the everyday.

Celebrating Innovation in the Everyday

We received impressive photo compilations from across the globe—each a work of art in itself. The diversity in submissions speaks volumes about the creativity our employees bring to their work and lives.

Our Values in Action

Initiatives like Letter Quest are more than just fun activities—they are extensions of our commitment to our people. We encourage everyone to explore and connect with each other, which helps create a workplace that thrives on collaboration and individuality.

Letter Quest is a reminder of what can be achieved when we look at the world a little differently. It echoes our approach to solving challenges in the localization industry. We as individuals may find inspiration where others might not see it. This creativity has the power bridge gaps and generate a true sense of global connection.

The Final Showcase

We wrapped up Letter Quest by showcasing the final compositions, celebrating the effort, and awarding a few prizes for those submissions that were especially inventive. 

We loved seeing the diversity of interpretations and the thoughtful way each letter was brought to life.

A New Perspective

Letter Quest was more than just a challenge; it was a creative discovery project and a chance to connect. It reflects Vistatec’s commitment to providing an environment that values expression, engagement, and community spirit. It’s initiatives like these that help our employees feel inspired and empowered, making Vistatec a place where every perspective matters and creativity has no limits.