Artificial Intelligence
At Vistatec, we welcome the latest developments in Generative AI as the next logical step in enabling global content to reach the broadest number of users and markets possible.
All tools and platforms deployed by Vistatec must meet the highest standards for security, confidentiality of information, intellectual property safety, and global regulatory compliance. We wish to assure our customers that we do not process any customer data through current Generative AI systems.
Vistatec is engaged in extensive research and development with internal experts and global external tooling and platform partners. We remain committed to the ongoing development of tools and products that will safely enhance services, deliver new solutions, and improve customer outcomes in a secure, confidential, and compliant environment.
Our Applied Technologies Group is investigating a range of Generative AI services and enhancements, initially focusing on the following areas:
- Traditional localization
- Terminology detection & extraction
- MT + PE
- Linguistic Quality Review
- Original Content Creation
- Multimedia
Artificial Intelligence Blog Spotlight
What is the Impact of AI and Generative AI For Localization?
In November 2022, ChatGPT introduced generative artificial intelligence (AI) to the public. The chatbot generates original text using large language models (LLMs). It’s not the only LLM available, but ChatGPT’s popularity highlights its maturity and visibility.
The Impact of ChatGP and Artificial Intelligence on Storytelling
These days, it is almost impossible to escape the chatter about ChatGPT. The release of GPT-4, an expanded AI engine designed to enhance the written text’s understanding, processing, and development, has storytellers needing guidance on what to think.