Internationalization Engineering


If your business is already expanding to new countries, or you want to be ready for that growth, it is essential to prepare your software for globalization.

Internationalization Engineering

If your business is already expanding to new target markets, or you want to be ready for that growth, it is essential to prepare your software for globalization.

Agility and Efficiency

When bringing software to a new global market, the first step is internationalization – this is the activity that puts the groundwork into your software to enable localization.

At the earliest possible stage, software must be optimized for changes in new markets, from simple commas and decimal use to international calendars, IP addresses and alphabets, currencies and grammatical separators.

At this early stage, your software needs to be malleable to every possible target market. We will make your software market-ready.

Decades of Experience

Internationalization is one of the first services that Vistatec offered when we started nearly 20 years ago. Many members of our global tech team have been working in internationalization and localization for that entire time, building on their expertise, evolving with the technological changes and leading the world in the field.

For you, the consultation process is straightforward and transparent. We start with an internationalization assessment in the form of a questionnaire about your software architecture. After that, our services include the options of an onsite consultancy with your engineering team.

You’ll then receive a report and written suggestions about what needs to be done and how it could be done. The third phase is the implementation of suggestions. After you send us your current product, we carry out a series of tests on it in one of our specialized labs.

It’s not just an engineering translation project. Working alongside our internationalization team, our linguistic and translation experts will check the language and aesthetics, to guarantee global content with agile localization and perfect language quality.

Vistatec Agile Translation Website

The Revenue Enabler

Internationalization is a vital step in engineering localization, allowing you to harness the global economy to broaden your potential customer base in new markets. In the right hands, it’s the ultimate revenue enabler.

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