
Five Easy Steps to Creating the Company Culture Your Employees Crave

Your company culture is more than just critical to ensuring your employees have a great workplace. It’s also crucial in retaining employees and attracting top talent in your field. For example, companies with a strong learning culture may keep 30-50% more than those without it. Also, 73% of professionals have left a company over poor cultural fit. If you’ve been struggling with employee retention or want to improve your overall company culture, these five steps can help create the environment your employees crave. … Continue readingFive Easy Steps to Creating the Company Culture Your Employees Crave

employee appreciation

Top 10 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

Creating a positive work environment has never been more important than it is today. According to a recent study by Forrester and Indeed, being energized by work tasks and feeling a sense of belonging in a company continue to be the top drivers of well-being at work. … Continue readingTop 10 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation