
Translating Medical Devices: A Rule-Driven Game

We are pleased to present an extract from a new article authored by Karen Tkaczyk Ph.D., Director of Sales at Vistatec, for this month’s European Medical Writers Association. This article titled “Translating medical devices: A rule-driven game” is available in its entirety on the European Medical Writers Association website, free of charge. The below extract provides a glimpse into the valuable insights provided in the full article, which we believe will be of great interest to our esteemed medical professional audience. … Continue readingTranslating Medical Devices: A Rule-Driven Game

Inspiring Hope and the Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Innovation in Life Sciences: Eliana R. Burke, GreenLight Clinical – Life Sciences — In Focus Podcast Ep 2

In this Vistatec Life Sciences – In Focus Podcast episode, we hosted Eliana R. Burke, the Global Head of Client Engagement and Marketing at GreenLight Clinical. Eliana brought her professional prowess into the limelight. She shared her deeply personal and inspirational journey as a cancer survivor, melding professional dedication and personal resilience into a narrative that’s both empowering and enlightening. … Continue readingInspiring Hope and the Impact of Diversity, Equity, and Innovation in Life Sciences: Eliana R. Burke, GreenLight Clinical – Life Sciences — In Focus Podcast Ep 2

Life Sciences — In Focus: Real-World Evidence: Global Regulatory Landscape and Innovation

Real-world evidence (RWE) has been a hot topic in recent years, not only in the research and life sciences industry but also in public health. Given the challenges surrounding its ethical use and regulation, the increasing importance of AI and the sheer volume of data available suggest that this is unlikely to change any time soon. Vistatec invited industry-leading experts to share their insights, thoughts, and predictions on the role of RWE going forward at our recent “Real-World Evidence: Global Regulatory Landscape and Innovation” event.
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Driving Diversity and Change in the Life Sciences Industry with Aman Khera: Life Sciences — In Focus Podcast Episode 1

In this new episode of the Life Sciences — In Focus podcast, hosted by Karen Tkaczyk, we welcomed a genuinely remarkable guest, Aman Khera, Vice President of Regulatory Science, Strategy, and Innovation at Worldwide Clinical Trials. With a career spanning nearly three decades, Khera is a force of innovation and a staunch advocate for diversity and patient inclusion in clinical research. Her journey from a curious student in the UK to a leading executive in the clinical research organization (CRO) space is a testament to her passion, resilience, and dedication to making healthcare better for all. … Continue readingDriving Diversity and Change in the Life Sciences Industry with Aman Khera: Life Sciences — In Focus Podcast Episode 1

Transparency, Comprehension, and Compliance: Key Factors in Translating and Localizing Lay Summaries (LS)

Lay summaries (LS) “translate” complex medical terminology and concepts into language patients and consumers can understand – a task that must done carefully to avoid losing meaning or accuracy. Making these available in multiple languages is a highly complex, intricate process that requires the expertise of an experienced life sciences localization team to ensure successful communication and cultural appropriateness. … Continue readingTransparency, Comprehension, and Compliance: Key Factors in Translating and Localizing Lay Summaries (LS)

Language, Translation and Localization: Key Factors in Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

With improved guidance and the maturation of digital health technologies (DHTs), decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) are here to stay. This is excellent news in many ways: DCTs provide a path to addressing tough, longstanding challenges in clinical trials. Properly planned and executed, DCTs allow for accelerated cohort recruitment and clinical development timelines. Additional benefits include enhanced retention, better participant adherence, greater diversity, and more representative patient access, leading to a more robust evidence base. … Continue readingLanguage, Translation and Localization: Key Factors in Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs)

Life Sciences – In Focus: Leveraging Data and Trends for 2024 – Key Learnings

In the first installment of Vistatec’s Life Sciences – In Focus series, Amanda Murphy, Senior Director of Data Intelligence and Solutions at GlobalData, presented the biopharmaceutical industry’s outlook for 2024. The event yielded valuable insights into the trends and themes predicted for the upcoming year, focusing on the clinical trials landscape, including decentralized clinical trials and diversity. Read the key learnings here. … Continue readingLife Sciences – In Focus: Leveraging Data and Trends for 2024 – Key Learnings

Diversity in Clinical Trials: The Role of Language Services

Participant diversity is critical to achieving equitable representation in the clinical trial landscape. Sponsors must proactively plan outreach, enrollment, and retention strategies for diverse communities.
Such strategies should incorporate professional translation, language access, and culturally sensitive localization. Discover the importance of diversity in clinical trials and how LSPs can help.

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