image localization

The Importance of Image Localization

“A picture is worth a thousand words,” and this saying is true when it comes to global marketing. Images displayed on your website or apps are crucial elements that influence how consumers will perceive your brand. Selecting an appropriate image can play a big part in helping you connect with your audience. Conversely, choosing the wrong image can increase bounce rates and lower conversions. … Continue readingThe Importance of Image Localization

Using Localization to Improve Your eCommerce Success

In theory, expanding your eCommerce business to new markets sounds like a great idea. After all, you don’t need to open new physical stores just to grow your business. But what happens if new markets come with different audiences with different expectations, cultural references, and environments? … Continue readingUsing Localization to Improve Your eCommerce Success

Learn How To Localize Your User Experience

User experience (UX) is critical to ensuring that your users are satisfied with the product or service you have to offer them. One aspect often overlooked by the UX evaluation is the importance of localization and how it may improve user interaction and integration. Is your user experience truly optimized? If you haven’t been taking localization into account, it may not be as optimized as you had hoped. … Continue readingLearn How To Localize Your User Experience

Localization – Where Does Linguistic Testing Fit?

Localization (L10n) is a highly collaborative process. Language and cultural experts must work with software engineers, UX designers, and marketing strategists to deliver an integrated product. This interactivity is critical to ensure that the final functionality, aesthetics, and messaging complement one another. Still, with that many moving parts, errors and oversights are inevitable. That’s why every localization effort must be followed by thorough localization testing, including functional and non-functional testing. … Continue readingLocalization – Where Does Linguistic Testing Fit?

Improve your global customer experience with language quality management (LQM)​​

Improve your global customer experience with language quality management (LQM)​ We are releasing a new series of articles, “Content With Purpose.” Twelve dedicated localization-focused articles on helping you connect and … Continue readingImprove your global customer experience with language quality management (LQM)​​

Globalize Your Content With Localization

In a competition for the most used word in the marketing world, personalization would be a medallist. Personalized content is the key to serving your offer on a silver platter and pushing clients down the sales funnel. Personalized content marketing doesn’t just involve creating content aimed at narrow segments of the target audience, but it also involves careful localization.
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Maximize Your Brand Growth with Localization

Entering new geographical markets is one of the most popular ways to grow, second only to mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Yet, to succeed, brands typically need to adapt their products or services to appeal to buyers in those regional markets. And that requires undergoing a process known as localization. … Continue readingMaximize Your Brand Growth with Localization