life sciences localization

Exploring Life Sciences Localization with Jackie Janeri – VistaTalks Episode 143

Vistatec Life Sciences expert Jackie Janeri joins Host María Roa on this episode of VistaTalks. Jackie is a seasoned professional with an illustrious career in the localization industry, particularly within Life Sciences. Jackie’s expertise shines through her extensive experience in program management at Vistatec Life Sciences, where she leads successful initiatives in multilingual content management, translation best practices, and more. … Continue readingExploring Life Sciences Localization with Jackie Janeri – VistaTalks Episode 143

Helpful Practices in Preparing Content for Translation

Localization, the practice of adapting content to meet a target market’s linguistic, cultural, and technical requirements, has become a cornerstone of global brand strategy, allowing world-renowned brands to gain a competitive edge through the art of cross-cultural and multilingual communication. This evolution marks a paradigm shift where understanding and embracing the nuances of diverse cultures is not merely beneficial but essential for sustaining relevance and resonance in the global marketplace. … Continue readingHelpful Practices in Preparing Content for Translation

How Are LLMs Shaping the Future of Translation Technology? 

LLMs are still in their infancy and are prone to mistakes such as terminology mismatches, style discrepancies, and hallucinations. As they improve, their use in translation will no doubt increase. The question is: which tasks will they handle, and which ones will be left to humans?
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Beyond Translation: How Brands Can Think Differently About Content to Drive Global Growth

30 years of experience in globalization. In this interview, Sibylle shares insights on the trends shaping global content creation and how businesses can future-proof content production processes to gain a competitive advantage. … Continue readingBeyond Translation: How Brands Can Think Differently About Content to Drive Global Growth

Achieving L10n Goals in a Harsher Climate: Fractional and Lean Localization

Given all the change and advancement in the industry over the last year, which will likely continue to develop further over the coming year – the modus operandi for in-house l10n teams continues to change and evolve. While the entire landscape of l10n is undergoing a significant transformation, teams that can reposition themselves as value enablers within their organizations are the ones that are most likely to have long-term success. Learn how. … Continue readingAchieving L10n Goals in a Harsher Climate: Fractional and Lean Localization

The Importance of Preserving Endangered Languages

As time progresses, history inevitably moves forward. Yet, in its wake, it can inadvertently leave behind fragments of language and culture. These elements risk being irretrievably lost unless we make concerted efforts to preserve them. Such a loss can profoundly impact entire cultures, erasing unique identities and rich heritages. According to a shocking article by The Guardian last year, nearly half of the world’s 7,000 languages are at risk of extinction by the end of this century. With each loss, we also lose a rich cultural history and identity. … Continue readingThe Importance of Preserving Endangered Languages

How to Craft Effective Localized Content for Life Sciences

When you craft content for the life sciences industry, it’s more important than ever that you localize the content appropriately and meet the needs of your target market. With localized content, you can meet users where they are, ensure that they understand the content you are presenting, and increase their trust in your brand. Follow these essential recommendations as you craft life sciences content and localize it for audiences worldwide.
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The Imperative of Localization in Business Growth: A Guide for C-Suite Executives and Localization Buyers

In today’s globalized world, businesses should be fully aware of the importance of localization. Yet, many C-suite executives, client-side localization professionals, and buyers of localization services may need help to truly understand and communicate its actual value. This article explores the challenges and opportunities of localization, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the significance of partnering with a trusted Localization Service Provider (LSP). … Continue readingThe Imperative of Localization in Business Growth: A Guide for C-Suite Executives and Localization Buyers

product and localization teams

How Should You Scale Your Product and Localization Teams?

You need a localization strategy that accounts for linguistic and cultural differences in the target market. This type of strategizing involves modifying the product and any accompanying content—including marketing campaigns—to ensure they’re tailored to local preferences and expectations. Each time you expand into a new market or launch a new offering, you must repeat the process. But this can be difficult and time-consuming unless you scale your product and marketing localization teams. … Continue readingHow Should You Scale Your Product and Localization Teams?

Driving Innovation in the Localization Industry with Dave Ruane – VistaTalks Episode 120

In this episode, host María Roa catches up with Dave Ruane, a dynamic individual who has significantly contributed to the localization industry. Dave is the Director of Marketing at XTM International and serves on the Board of Directors for the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA). He is also the Co-founder and Chair of the Process Innovation Challenge (PIC), an exciting platform that fosters innovation in the language industry. … Continue readingDriving Innovation in the Localization Industry with Dave Ruane – VistaTalks Episode 120

content strategy

Tips to Improve Your Content Strategy with Translation and Localization

Did you know you need to optimize your content for different languages and cultures to ensure you get all the potential engagement? Sixty-five percent of people prefer content in their native language. Forty percent will not purchase in other languages. Consumers want their content to feel personal to them and their experiences. Localization and translation make your content feel authentic to a target audience in an international market. For example, you wouldn’t market “sweaters” in the UK and Ireland because they are called “jumpers” there. Because the global language industry is growing rapidly, it is important to utilize translation and localization in your content strategy. Here are a few tips to help you.
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Top Ten Takeaways From LocWorld Sweden

Vistatec was delighted to be at LocWorld49 – Malmö, Sweden. We took the opportunity to catch up with the people who participated in the conference to gain insight into what they found to be the most valuable information from this year’s conference. Here are some of the main takeaways from the event.
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language partner

What to Expect When Selecting a Language Partner

If you are about to target a new culture for the first time, you might need to become more familiar with the nuances of working with a language partner. We will cover those nuances in this guide, helping you prepare for the partnership to create a leg up in your communications and marketing efforts. … Continue readingWhat to Expect When Selecting a Language Partner


Technology, Culture, and Storytelling: The Future of Engaging Healthcare Experiences – VistaTalks Episode 119

In this episode, host Simon Hodgkins is joined by Niall O’Driscoll, the Chief Executive of vStream Health. Niall shares the importance of culture, localization, and storytelling in healthcare. At vStream Health, the emphasis lies in crafting patient-centric, virtual reality experiences that redefine the relationship between patients, healthcare professionals, and the broader healthcare and life sciences industry. The company boasts a dedicated team of 3D medical animators, writers, directors, designers, and consultants collaborating to create beautiful visualizations, compelling storytelling, and digital mental health initiatives. Their goal is to revolutionize how patients and healthcare providers interact and engage, ultimately enhancing the healthcare experience. … Continue readingTechnology, Culture, and Storytelling: The Future of Engaging Healthcare Experiences – VistaTalks Episode 119

Vistatec Assists Cybersecurity Unicorn in Managing Global Expansion Success

Our client is the world’s largest cybersecurity awareness and simulated phishing platform, serving more than 30,000 organizations worldwide on a high-growth trajectory. … Continue readingVistatec Assists Cybersecurity Unicorn in Managing Global Expansion Success

global mindset

Shifting to a Global Mindset: Overcoming the Challenge of Entering New Markets

There are good reasons why entering new global markets presents challenges even to the most experienced and sophisticated brands. Because our shared understanding of selling to new customers is often limited strictly to translation — meaning a one-to-one exchange between a source language and an equivalent target language — the complexities in shifting to a global mindset are sometimes taken for granted. … Continue readingShifting to a Global Mindset: Overcoming the Challenge of Entering New Markets

Supporting Digital Transformation Strategy in Shipping & Logistics: A Localization Success Story

Our client is a highly regarded global shipping and logistics company and one of the world’s largest vehicle and passenger ferry operators. The client wanted to improve localization process and quality, deploy a 21st-century digital strategy, and address a lack of visibility. … Continue readingSupporting Digital Transformation Strategy in Shipping & Logistics: A Localization Success Story


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impact on Language, Culture, and Global Brands

With 72% of consumers stating that they prefer to purchase from brands that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), global brands need to pay close attention to DEI in their content and messaging. LSPs, collaborating with their clients’ internal DEI and Localization teams, can recommend ways to integrate DEI into global messaging to support local markets better. … Continue readingDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impact on Language, Culture, and Global Brands

artificial intelligence

The Localization Industry, M&A, and AI – VistaTalks Episode 116

In this episode, Annette Lawlor, CEO and Founder of Lion People Global, a localization-specific recruitment company, joins host María Roa. Annette is responsible for making connections to drive revenue growth within the global language industry, digital media, and, lately, the AI industry through its mergers & acquisitions and talent & training solutions. … Continue readingThe Localization Industry, M&A, and AI – VistaTalks Episode 116

Supporting a Highly Successful Scalable Localization Program in 68 Languages

Our client is a global technology company, recognized as one of the world’s topmost valued brands, producing vastly diverse and brand sensitive content on a continuous basis. They require consistently accurate and on-brand content of varying origins and channels across all supported languages.

For this organization, we have over 800 linguistic resources across 100+ languages engaged to deliver, on average, around 15,000 projects per month with over 70,000 project line items to track. These projects have an average Turn-Around-Time (TAT) of less than 48 hours.
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The Impact of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence on Storytelling

How can brands use ChatGPT, and artificial intelligence in general, to enhance their storytelling? How can they leverage the undeniable opportunities that the technology brings — without falling victim to its drawbacks?
The answer, as might be expected, is complicated. But it is vital to understand how written language evolves in the 21st century, specifically storytelling. We will examine those nuances in this guide.
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Achieving Continuous Localization Success at Scale with Automated Collaboration System

Our client is a global technology company, recognized as one of the world’s topmost valued brands, producing vastly diverse and brand sensitive content on a continuous basis. They require consistently accurate and on-brand content of varying origins and channels across all supported languages.

For this organization, we have over 800 linguistic resources across 100+ languages engaged to deliver, on average, around 15,000 projects per month with over 70,000 project line items to track. These projects have an average Turn-Around-Time (TAT) of less than 48 hours.
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different types of localization

The Different Types of Localization You Should Know

Localization is far more than a trend or a buzzword. It is an essential strategy that allows you to customize the content you provide based on the unique needs of your target market, their location, target language, and other important elements determined by geography and culture. By utilizing the right localization strategies, you can increase user appreciation of and connection to your brand, helping to set you up for success.
As you plan to localize your content, apps, and more, look at these critical types of localization and how they can impact your ability to connect with your target market. … Continue readingThe Different Types of Localization You Should Know

The Art of Dubbing

We have entered the age of global video. As national video consumption barriers continue to erode, new approaches are necessary to optimize the user experience.
Enter video dubbing, a concept that has increased in some countries for decades but is just making its name in others. When done correctly, it is a perfect example of audio localization within individual videos.
That means treating dubbed videos’ translation and recording as an art form. What is the rise of dubbing, and how can you leverage it?
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What Is MTPE?

Almost 40% of marketers now use machine translation in their localization efforts. While that strategy brings undeniable benefits, its drawbacks can be just as significant. Fast work only matters when it does not come at the expense of accuracy.
Enter Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE), a process that seeks to retain the benefits of machine translation while adding the human element back into the equation. This guide will explore the nuances of MTPE while sharing some best practices to maximize its advantages in your translation and localization strategy. … Continue readingWhat Is MTPE?

Localization Program

How to Run a Successful Localization Program

There are many misperceptions about creating products for global markets. One common belief is that translating from one language to another is all that’s needed to succeed. While many focus on the increased revenue and competitive advantages from new markets, the investment and planning required to create localized products aren’t always fully understood.

Localization is often more like a marathon than a sprint. Rather than a quick win, a successful localization program requires many elements, including a defined strategy, a customized approach, and a strong partner.
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The Evolution of a Localization Leader

In this blog, we explore an interesting framework for viewing the career growth and perception of localization professionals, some ways of thinking about each of the three stages: Business Service, Business Enabler, and Business Profit Driver , and three tips on how to move up the ladder from one step to the next … Continue readingThe Evolution of a Localization Leader

creating a localization department

Creating a Localization Department – VistaTalks Ep 110

In this episode, Alfonso González Bartolessis joins host María Roa. Alfonso is a localization professional who has developed his career as a translator, translation manager, and university teacher. He has founded and co-founded several companies and currently works as a Senior Localization Manager in Germany for Sinch. Alfonso has created the localization department for more than nine languages and developed the current translation workflow. He is also TranslaStars CEO, an online learning platform for language lovers with translation, localization, globalization, and interpreting courses. Alfonso shares how he got into the world of language, translation, and localization, including his early experiences in Spain and the United States. … Continue readingCreating a Localization Department – VistaTalks Ep 110


Do Untranslatable Words Exist?

Anyone who has experienced multiple languages has encountered one phrase at least once: you just cannot translate that word. But is that true? Do untranslatable words exist, and if so, how can (and should) businesses and anyone interested in translation approach them? … Continue readingDo Untranslatable Words Exist?


Top Tips for a Good Translator

Translation plays a vital role in successful communication. It is more than the substitution of one word for another. It is the cornerstone of the seamless exchange of ideas and information. Highly proficient translation is a vital part of any globalization plan. Research shows that 76% of online shoppers prefer to buy products with information in their native language. Perhaps more importantly, 40% will never buy from websites in other languages. … Continue readingTop Tips for a Good Translator

localization team

Building Your Localization Team From Scratch

When launching within new markets, localization is critical. However, a localization strategy is only complete with a team to execute it. Regardless of the size of your business, you must first decide who will be involved in the process. That may mean assigning tasks to current team members, bringing on new hires, outsourcing roles, or a mix of all three. Fortunately, setting up a localization team is easier than it sounds. … Continue readingBuilding Your Localization Team From Scratch

GALA Loc Mixer

Vistatec Co-organizes a GALA Loc Mixer in Dublin, Ireland

Vistatec was pleased to help organize a GALA Loc Mixer event on November 17, 2022. The GALA Loc Mixers are one of the many ways GALA carries out its mission to build and grow professional communities. This event was a great partnership as GALA is celebrating 20 years, and Vistatec is celebrating 25 years in business.
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holiday marketing

How to Localize Your Holiday Marketing

The holiday season is a significant source of revenue in various industries. From food and fashion to gift-giving and specific traditions, consumers spend a lot of money to make the holidays special. If you hope to put your company on the receiving end of this spending spree, the proper marketing techniques are essential. However, if you develop a grand marketing campaign that falls flat, you could experience significant financial losses. Localization will be a critical part of your holiday marketing strategy if you sell products globally. … Continue readingHow to Localize Your Holiday Marketing

SaaS Localization

How Can SaaS Companies Benefit from Localization?

Did you know that the global SaaS market is estimated to be worth $10 trillion by 2030? As the demand continues to rise, forward-thinking software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies are scaling into international markets. To maximize your success; you need a localization strategy that enables you to adapt products to each target market. … Continue readingHow Can SaaS Companies Benefit from Localization?

Localization Leadership Excellence in Action

Welcome to the next installment in our Localization Leadership series. We’re at the midway point, and it’s the perfect time to get insights from a localization leader who has achieved substantial success. Earlier this year, one of the All Things Global (ATG) webcasts featured one of our industry’s most respected thought leaders, Nicole Kittle Broe, Director of Localization at Roku. … Continue readingLocalization Leadership Excellence in Action

International Customer Experience – a Model to Identify the Gaps

If you have ever tried to navigate a website in a language you do not understand, you will know how difficult and frustrating it can be. Even with browser-based machine translation, the results can range from quite good to useless. As a result, companies translate their online experience to ensure success. However, they typically only translate about 5% of their website into most languages. This gap in language access leads to a sub-par customer experience as site visitors quickly run out of engaging content that they can read. … Continue readingInternational Customer Experience – a Model to Identify the Gaps

How to Capture and Measure Relevant Localization Metrics

Armed with the right localization metrics, embracing data-driven leadership will reinforce your role as a strategic business partner along the way, and help you position yourself as an idea generator in your organization.
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Using Localization to Improve Your eCommerce Success

In theory, expanding your eCommerce business to new markets sounds like a great idea. After all, you don’t need to open new physical stores just to grow your business. But what happens if new markets come with different audiences with different expectations, cultural references, and environments? … Continue readingUsing Localization to Improve Your eCommerce Success

Learn How To Localize Your User Experience

User experience (UX) is critical to ensuring that your users are satisfied with the product or service you have to offer them. One aspect often overlooked by the UX evaluation is the importance of localization and how it may improve user interaction and integration. Is your user experience truly optimized? If you haven’t been taking localization into account, it may not be as optimized as you had hoped. … Continue readingLearn How To Localize Your User Experience

Best Practices for Building a Global Center of Excellence

he Director of Localization at Roku, Nicole, draws on her wide-ranging involvement (Paramount, Riot Games, Netflix, Blizzard, Snap) in content and localization to add additional flavor and gravitas. Even if you don’t agree with the nuance of some of her discussion points, you’ll come away with a clear understanding of how she thinks and how she goes about her job. … Continue readingBest Practices for Building a Global Center of Excellence

From Localization to Product Management – VistaTalks Ep 85

How do you integrate localization into your product management strategy? In this episode, guest Ulrika Fuchs joins host Simon Hodgkins. Ulrika is an experienced localization professional with proven strong leadership skills and a track record of building high-performing teams of motivated individuals. … Continue readingFrom Localization to Product Management – VistaTalks Ep 85

What Impact Has Technology Had on the Localization Industry? VistaTalks Ep 84

Has technology caused rapid shifts in the localization industry? In this episode, guest Michael J. Asquith, Global Solutions Executive at Vistatec joins host Simon Hodgkins to discuss technology in the localization industry. Coming originally from a financial industry background, Michael discusses his interest in global business, and what impacts technology will continue to play within the localization industry. … Continue readingWhat Impact Has Technology Had on the Localization Industry? VistaTalks Ep 84

Globalize Your Content With Localization

In a competition for the most used word in the marketing world, personalization would be a medallist. Personalized content is the key to serving your offer on a silver platter and pushing clients down the sales funnel. Personalized content marketing doesn’t just involve creating content aimed at narrow segments of the target audience, but it also involves careful localization.
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